Leading manufacturer of photovoltaic structures in Europe
We are happy to announce the opening of the new RBT Solar Training Center at CLM Park Lućmierz as of 26.09.2024! Our mission is to provide the highest quality training that supports the professional development of participants.
On this occasion, we would like to invite you to an open day, which will be held on 26.09.2024, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It will be an excellent opportunity to learn about our offer, meet industry professionals and participate in training and practical workshops.
Registration: please register in advance for the open day. To register for training, please use the “Training” button in the menu at the top right of the page.
We cordially invite you and look forward to seeing you!
We invite you to Expo Energy – Energy Efficiency Fair, which will be held on October 5-6 at Expo Lodz. Visit us at booth C12, where RBT SOLAR will present the latest photovoltaic solutions. See you there!
You are cordially invited to visit RBT SOLAR’s booth at the prestigious Smart Energy Forum event, which will be held on october 9-10, 2024 in picturesque Prague. Learn about the latest technologies and possibilities of our solutions. Let’s change the future of renewable energy together!
We operate as part of the Rex-Bud Group, drawing on experience to create new potential.
We play a key role in Europe's energy transition by providing professional and innovative solutions.
Jesteśmy częścią Grupy Rex-Bud, jednego z największych Generalnych Wykonawców na rynku polskim i europejskim.
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Enex – dobra energia dla Twojego biznesu!
Zapraszamy Was na nasze stoisko G-1 na XXVI Międzynarodowe Targi Energetyki i Elektrotechniki oraz Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii ENEX 2024 w Kielcach.
Targi poświęcone odnawialnym źródłom energii, są zapowiedzią nowości i trendów w branży OZE w 2024. Spółka RBT SOLAR, należąca do Grupy REX-BUD zaprezentuje konstrukcje do systemów fotowoltaicznych, w tym nasze najnowsze produkty przeznaczone do montażu modułów PV na dachach płaskich (uniwersalne systemy zgrzewane i balastowe dla małych i dużych modułów) oraz gruntach (nasze najnowsze „dziecko” – tracker jednoosiowy).